Three more weeks to go.

Checklist: guidebooks leafed through, vaccinations done, anti-malaria drugs started, packing list written. Only finishing touches for the mental preparation and good-byes to Finland, family & friends left. Somehow it would be nicer to leave in October than in the middle of a beautiful Finnish summer (see the photos), but I can't really complain: winter with temperatures ranging from +25 to +35 Celsius degrees doesn't sound that bad, in the end.
Besides traveller's guides, I've been doing some other Africa-related reading lately, too: Alex de Waal's "Who fights? Who cares? War and Humanitarian Action in Africa", Ryszard Kapuscinski's "The Shadow of the Sun" (strongly recommended - Eebenpuu in Finnish) and Annie Caulfield's "Show Me the Magic - Travels Round Benin by Taxi" (very strongly recommended!). Tonight I might watch Hotel Rwanda - will I have an Africa overdose already before leaving? Oh, and not to mention African dance courses I've been attending: one mbalax class with Astou Faye from Senegal and three classes with an excellent Burkinabé, Adama Ouattara last week. I'm taking my studies seriously, you see!
Menikö eilen myöhäseen? Mä menin sit lopulta kotiin. Nyt käynnissä kuvarumba: siirrän mun kuvatiedostot Sannan koneelle, ku Marsu vie koneen mukanaan maanantain.